Estate Planning

Frequently asked financial questions

Our ability to improve financial outcomes is based on years of experience of helping clients of all ages and stages of life… even for our most financially savvy clients.

Here we share the answers to some of our most frequently asked financial questions.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing... use ours!

Don’t wait for the benefit of hindsight when it comes to making the most of your finances.

Many people hold off seeking financial advice until they are in their pre-retirement years, but the fact is you can gain the most financially by seeking professional advice much earlier.

Life Insurance plays a key role in Estate Planning

A recent White Paper published by a leading insurance company indicates that the underinsured gap for life insurance is closing in Australia. However, Wealth Fundamentals’ advisers say that while this is an encouraging sign, there is still more to be done in educating consumers on the role of life insurance within their estate planning as a whole. In other words, what happens to insurance funds in the unfortunate event of a claim?