Risk Plan

Here at Wealth Fundamentals we identify your personal risk exposures and help you to implement insurance policies that will provide the financial protection you and those who rely upon you need.  Specifically, these policies take into consideration your financial obligations should you fall seriously ill, have an accident that prevents you from earning or leaves you disabled or deceased. 

An appropriate personal protection plan is dependent upon a range of considerations including your stage of life, your level of responsibility and your overall financial position.  Further, we also consider your insurance in tandem with your estate planning helping you to nominate how, and to whom, any monies from insurance claim payments would be distributed.

While affordable premiums are important, more so is the careful selection of policies taking into consideration definitions that are compatible with your specific set of circumstances. We translate insurance terminology so that you understand what you’re covered for and what you’re not.   We arrange tailored personal insurance packages that can include: Life Insurance, Total and Permanent Disability Insurance (TPD), Trauma Insurance and Income Protection Insurance.  For business partnerships, we provide consultation and advice for Buy Sell Agreements and Key Man policies.

Our service includes regular reviews to maintain appropriate levels of cover as your circumstances change or your life stage evolves.  Then in the event of a claim, we will coordinate the entire claim process on your behalf.

risk insurance planning